We believe in the fair and equitable treatment of all people everywhere. As part of our core policy, we respect our neighbours and are committed to positively engaging with the local communities where we operate.
We aim to maximise the benefits of our presence wherever we work while mitigating any potential adverse impacts for our staff, our business partners or for the communities of which we are a part.

Local communities
We run planned and targeted corporate social responsibility programmes, working with numerous stakeholders including community representatives and non-governmental organisations.
We have long recognised that the development of our mining operations would result in land use changes and disruption to some of our neighbours. We have actively sought to minimise these impacts but when they are unavoidable, we have developed and implemented plans to alleviate or compensate for the impact.
We maximise our positive impact with grassroots outreach initiatives that generate economic opportunities and enhance quality of life through infrastructure improvements, local business engagement, educational programmes and the employment of members of the community wherever possible within our operations.
We also take into consideration the potential indirect impacts of our operations, such as increased migration to local towns and communities as economic opportunities and quality of life in these areas increase.
All of our community impact assessment and project planning has been prepared in accordance with the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards. Any associated studies, engagement plans, community investment strategies, closure and rehabilitation requirements, policies and reports are made publicly available on the IFC website.

Health and safety
Safe production is our first priority. Zero harm is the only acceptable target.
Our mine and all associated facilities operate according to an occupational health and safety management system developed in accordance with international guidelines, including IFC Performance Standard 2 and the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines.
We operate on-site clinics staffed with qualified doctors, paramedics and nurses. Services include first aid training and medical consultations on both chronic diseases and healthy living.

Human rights
Human rights refer to the universal entitlement to every individual to be treated with dignity and equality.
A core commitment at GAC is respecting fundamental human rights of our employees, those in our value chain, and the communities in which we operate.
We oppose any form of modern slavery, child or forced labour and require that our supply chain adopt the same principles.

Happiness and wellbeing of our people
At GAC, our business success depends on the talent, skills and diligence of our people. We aim to attract high-quality recruits, provide effective opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential and retain the most capable people for the long term by providing competitive remuneration and welfare.
Our human capital policies and procedures are aligned with the International Labour Organisation and IFC performance standards and we provide a wide range of training programmes to employees every year. Training is designed according to GAC’s current and future requirements, current staff needs and planned career progression.