GAC processes rehabilitation of tinguilinta - Boke- Kamsar road

As stated in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (SEIA) of its Marketing Bauxite Sample (MBS) project, GAC is committed to maintaining the state of Tinguilinta National Highway 22 in Kamsar through Boké, for the duration of the project,...

GAC processes rehabilitation of tinguilinta - Boke- Kamsar road

As stated in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (SEIA) of its Marketing Bauxite Sample (MBS) project, GAC is committed to maintaining the state of Tinguilinta National Highway 22 in Kamsar through Boké, for the duration of the project, that is to say until the end of 2018.
It is to honor this commitment that GAC has begun maintenance of Highway 22. This maintenance and repair consists of locating and repairing all potholes with a bitumen and a cold asphalt, resulting in long-lasting and solid results. Work began on April 11, 2017, on the Boké - Kolaboui section and is provided in collaboration with the company ‘United Mining Services’ (UMS). They will continue on the stretch of highway of Kolaboui - Kamsar then Tinguilinta - Tamakene.
GAC, as a responsible company, makes road safety one of its top priorities. The rehabilitation of the National Highway 22 is, therefore, a project of major importance since it contributes to the safety of all its users.
Mrs. Diallo Aissata Beavogui, General Manager of GAC affirms that "The entire implementation team is working hard so that the passage of trucks has the least possible impact on the populations in the zones concerned. We are very committed to road safety and we have already carried out several awareness-raising activities, including safety training courses and road hazard prevention campaigns, which brought together thousands of young people in the localities of Tanene, Boké, Kolaboui and Kamsar."
As a reminder, as part of its bauxite marketing sampling (MBS) project, GAC uses National Highway 22 to transport bauxite from its mining concession, through its UMS subcontractor, to its Kamsar port terminal.
MBS allows the non-commercial utilization of 290,000 tonnes of bauxite made available free of charge to potential customers, mainly in Asia, for tests and trials in order to guarantee long-term commercial contracts and thus boost Guinea's economic development by propelling it to the international markets of bauxite.

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