GAC and Chalco agree to explore cooperation on development of alumina refining in Guinea

Guinea Alumina Corporation and Aluminium Corporation of China (Chalco), have agreed to explore cooperation on the development of alumina refining in the Republic of Guinea.

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GAC and Chalco agree to explore cooperation on development of alumina refining in Guinea

Kamsar, Monday, 12 June 2023 --- Guinea Alumina Corporation and Aluminium Corporation of China (Chalco), have agreed to explore cooperation on the development of alumina refining in the Republic of Guinea.

The cooperation, which began with the signing of a memorandum of understanding in March, brings together the alumina refining experience of both organisations.

GAC’s parent company Emirates Global Aluminium developed the first alumina refinery in the United Arab Emirates, building the national skills and capabilities required.

Chalco is a leading company in China’s non-ferrous industry, with a strong portfolio of assets.

GAC was developed in the largest greenfield mining investment in Guinea in four decades, and began bauxite exports in 2019. Last year GAC mined and shipped some 14 million wet metric tonnes of bauxite ore to customers around the world.

Some 3,300 people work on GAC’s mine and port sites in Boké province, more than 95 per cent Guineans. In 2022, GAC’s direct contributions to Guinea’s economy as wages, local procurement, Government payments and social contributions was some $225 million.

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