GAC is recruiting a veteran of the mining industry as deputy CEO

Guinea Alumina Corporation SA (GAC), a major player in Guineas mining sector, today announced the appointment of Mr. Paulo Castellari as Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

GAC is recruiting a veteran of the mining industry as deputy CEO

Guinea Alumina Corporation SA (GAC), a major player in Guinea's mining sector, today announced the appointment of Mr. Paulo Castellari as Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Castellari is a veteran of the mining industry with twenty years experience at the mining giant ‘Anglo American’. His appointment comes as construction of the GAC bauxite mine and export project intensifies following the award of major construction contracts.
Mr. Castellari is a former member of the Anglo American Group Executive Committee and more recently, he led the development of Minas Rio, one of Anglo American's four strategic growth projects and one of the largest mining projects in the world.
He was named CEO of Anglo American's Brazil Iron Ore Division in 2012 and CEO of Anglo American's Phosphate and Niobium Division from 2009 to 2011.
The current Deputy Managing Director of Guinea Alumina Corporation SA, William Morrell, will return to Mubadala, one of EGA's parent companies, after the transition period to develop other mining projects.
Mr. Castellari took office in the beginning of March alongside the Director-General, Mrs. Diallo Aissata Beavogui.
Mr. Abdulla Kalban, President of EGA said, "The GAC project is an important engine of growth for both the Republic of Guinea and EGA. I am pleased that Mr. Castellari will bring his great experience by leading GAC during the construction and the operations phase. I would like to thank Mr. William Morrell for his leadership in taking GAC to this level of construction start-up."
EGA invested US $1 billion in the GAC project, the largest investment ever made in Guinea in four decades. According to projections, the GAC project will contribute 10% of Guinea's GDP and create 4,000 direct and indirect jobs.
The production and export of the project's bauxite are planned for early 2018.
By recruiting this determined veteran of the mining industry, GAC reiterates its desire and ambition for development, as well as the project's impacts on the country's economic development.

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