Occupational Health and Safety: GAC among the world’s top-performing mining companies

Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) announced today that its employees have achieved 12 months without a lost-time injury. With a frequency rate of 0.

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Occupational Health and Safety: GAC among the world’s top-performing mining companies

Kamsar, July 27th 2020 — Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) announced today that its employees have achieved 12 months without a lost-time injury. With a frequency rate of 0.61%, this performance places GAC among the world’s top performing mining companies in terms of occupational health and safety.

Abdul Nasser Bin Kalban, Chief Executive Officer of EGA, the exclusive owner of GAC, said at the general meeting of the company’s employees: “I am impressed by GAC’s health and safety performance and I would like to congratulate every single one of you. Last May, you have reached 12 months with Zero Lost Time Injury. Your total recordable injury frequency rate is 0.61, making GAC a truly world-class organisa-tion with one of the lowest rates in the mining world”.

This genuine performance is the result of the efforts made by all GAC employees and subcontractors. The safety and health of employees remains an absolute priority for the company, which has set a goal of “Zero accidents” for all those involved in its mining operations. For years, GAC has implemented a rigorous health and safety policy to prevent accidents that could cause injury or death.

The company’s employees, as well as those of our subcontractors, are regularly trained on risk attitudes and behaviours in the area of operations and are bound by strict health and safety regulations at our mining and port facilities and beyond.

Dereck Guilfoyle, GAC’s Health, Safety and Environment Director said “These are significant and commendable achievements for a project that is completing construction and accelerating mining operations to ramp up to 12 million tonnes of bauxite exports per year. It is important that we maintain our focus on health and safety and pursue our “zero injury” objective. »

GAC has zero tolerance for employees who do not comply with the company’s health and safety policy.

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