Thanks to GAC, Guinean farmers increased their rice production by 400%

Guinea Alumina Corporation SA (GAC), a major player in Guinean mining industry, has launched a new initiative that has increased rice production by 400 in local communities where the company has its operations, in Kamsar, in the Boké region.

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Thanks to GAC, Guinean farmers increased their rice production by 400%

Kamsar, 4 March 2019 --- Guinea Alumina Corporation SA (GAC), a major player in Guinean mining industry, has launched a new initiative that has increased rice production by 400% in local communities where the company has its operations, in Kamsar, in the Boké region.  

GAC support focused on three aspects:

  1. Conduct a methodical study to identify – and overcome – rice production main obstacles;
  2. Develop and implement modern and intensive rice farming approach for an area of ​​100 hectares;
  3. Provide training in business management techniques to empower the farmers.

For the design and implementation of the program, GAC seek the assistance of the Bureau d’Études, de Réalisation et de Conseil Agricole, a Guinean organisation with extensive experience and an excellent reputation. GAC's investment totalling about 2.5 billion Guinean francs (US $ 270,000) has allowed 16 families to increase their rice production as well as their sales and revenues. The farmers’ spokesperson, Guillaume Bangoura, said: "We are grateful to GAC for keeping their word and for supporting us in the most critical area of ​​our livelihood. This initiative has enabled us to acquire the knowledge and the know-how in a field upon which a dozen of our families depend."

Malick N'Diaye, GAC's Deputy Director General, also responsible for community relations, said: "The support we provided to the Taighbe communities is an excellent example of the GAC’s way of doing business. We want to have a real impact in our hosting communities, and we want to do everything possible to ensure that they receive real support and assistance to achieve better and sustainable living conditions.” N'Diaye added: "The Taighbe Community Initiative is directly linked to one of our business goals, which is to create opportunities for local social and economic development. Furthermore, our initiative is aligned with the Guinean government's food security policy, and we are proud to do our share.”

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