GAC receives its last major equipment before starting its operations

Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) today announced that it has received its final major equipment before the company starts its operations. It is the barge loader that will be used to feed barges with bauxite.

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GAC receives its last major equipment before starting its operations

Kamsar, 27 February 2019 --- Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) today announced that it has received its final major equipment before the company starts its operations. It is the barge loader that will be used to feed barges with bauxite.

The four-story high barge loader was made-to-measure in India by Thysenkrupp AG, a German multinational conglomerate focusing on industrial engineering and steel production. It was shipped by sea directly to the GAC Kamsar port and will now be assembled and fixed permanently on its pivot point located on the company’s harbour quay.

With a design capacity of 5,000 tons per hour, GAC’s operations team estimate it will take some four hours to load each of the four self-propelled barges that will fly the GAC flag.

GAC CEO Paulo Castellari said: “This is the last major piece of equipment received and a good indication that the construction phase of our project is coming to its conclusion. Soon, we’ll start our full-scale mining and exporting operations, something all our stakeholders have been waiting for a long time, and with that we are confident GAC will contribute to Guinea’s ambition to become the world’s premier bauxite producer – safely and responsibly.”

About GAC

Guinea Alumina Corporation S.A. (GAC) is a Guinean bauxite mining company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), one of the largest aluminium companies in the world.

EGA is equally owned by Mubadala Investment Company of Abu Dhabi and Investment Corporation of Dubai. It operates aluminium smelters in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and produced 2.6 million tonnes of aluminium in 2017. The production of EGA makes the United Arab Emirates the fifth-largest country in the world for aluminium production

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