GAC partners with Crossroads International to enhance sustainability and community development

Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) has mandated the non-governmental organisation Crossroads International to assist GAC in the development of its five-year Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy and...

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GAC partners with Crossroads International to enhance sustainability and community development

Kamsar, Thursday, September 26, 2024 - - - Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) has mandated the non-governmental organisation Crossroads International to assist GAC in the development of its five-year Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy and implementation of the relevant action plan focused on Education, Health and Economic Development through agricultural activities. This strategic partnership between GAC and Crossroads International, spanning two years, is designed to bolster the momentum and growth of future projects and ensure that they are beneficial to the communities surrounding GAC’s operations.

“Over the years, GAC has invested millions of dollars to support various social and economic development projects. The majority of these projects have had a significant impact, and even those that did not meet expectation, provided valuable lessons to strengthen our sustainable development efforts,” stated Isabelle Teboul, Director of Community Relations, CSR and Environment. “In collaboration with Crossroads International, we are currently conducting a thorough inventory to reassess our priorities. This baseline study will guide the development of a five-year action plan aimed at strengthening existing projects and implementing new programs to ensure sustainable growth of communities surrounding GAC operations, particularly in the Boké region.”

Crossroads international is a Canadian organisation dedicated to international cooperation, operating in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Through collaboration with local partners, the organisation designs and implements sustainable social and economic development programs, with a field presence lasting up to five years. Crossroads international is primarily funded by the Canadian government and the government of Quebec in Canada, and to a lesser extent, by sponsors and private foundations.

“We are honoured to partner with GAC in prioritising the needs of local communities as part of its corporate social responsibility strategy,” stated Heather Shapter, Executive Director of Crossroads International. “We are grateful to GAC for entrusting us with their community investment, ensuring long-lasting impact and sustainability for future generations.”

Aligned with its vision and the directive of the Canadian and Quebec governments, Crossroads international prioritises programs that promote human rights and combat poverty by empowering women and girls.

Once developed, Crossroads International programs are executed by highly skilled “volunteer co-operators” who collaborate with selected local partners in communities. Since its establishment in 1960, Crossroads International has deployed over 10,000 volunteer co-operators on missions worldwide. The duration of a volunteer co-operator’s mission varies based on the specific needs, ranging from a few weeks to several months. 

Through this partnership, GAC reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and the empowerment of local communities, particularly, women and youth, through sustainable and beneficial projects.

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