GAC reviews its policy on employment

GAC reviews its policy on employment Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC SA), a major player in the mining sector in the Republic of Guinea, communicated on 18 August 2017, its balance sheet in terms of employment and training since the beginning of...

GAC reviews its policy on employment

GAC reviews its policy on employment

Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC SA), a major player in the mining sector in the Republic of Guinea, communicated on 18 August 2017, its balance sheet in terms of employment and training since the beginning of its project.

Indeed, the company has announced that it has already created more than 2900 direct (i.e. GAC) and indirect (i.e. contractor and sub-contractors) jobs since the start of the project. In August 2017, GAC has already reached more than 70% of its employment needs. Of these, 83% were from Guinean and 75% came from the Boké region. This perfectly meets its predictions regarding jobs during the construction phase. For obvious reasons, the construction phase necessitates hiring on a temporary basis in order to be able to finish essential works for the construction of infrastructure (port, rail, bridges etc.) that will subsequently be used to exporting bauxite.

In terms of training, GAC has already achieved more than 100,00 hours and spent approximately $650,000 for the training of its direct employees. This is one of the important and fixed goals of the company, i.e. that of the socio-economic development of the region within which it operates. Hadja Issagha Diallo, from the company’s human resources department said that: “GAC is perfectly aware of the challenges that we face in terms of the skills needed for our activities, we are committed to acting responsibly despite these constraints.

“Thus, our recruitment policy and procedures are very rigorous; when presented with equal competences, we will look favourably to those that are people affected by the project (PAPs), followed by those living around the project Areas, before looking to employ others from Guinea.”

Once again, GAC reiterates its determination in the development and creation of opportunities for Guineans.

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