GAC implements promoting and improving road safety in the Boke region

From 17 January to 07 February 2017, GAC initiated and strongly supported the implementation of an awareness campaign on road safety in the localities of Tanènè, Boké, Kolaboui, and Kamsar.

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GAC implements promoting and improving road safety in the Boke region

From 17 January to 07 February 2017, GAC initiated and strongly supported the implementation of an awareness campaign on road safety in the localities of Tanènè, Boké, Kolaboui, and Kamsar. Through a football tournament, nearly 5,000 people were made aware of the dangers of road traffic violations, especially at a time when the region is recording a significant number of road accidents.
The football competition, in which the sub-Prefectural and communal authorities took part, was organized with the support of the youth offices and town halls of the localities concerned. It allowed GAC to convey important messages about the dangers of traffic violations, as well as the steps to take to minimize or avoid the risk of an accident. Statistics on road accidents in the region of Boké have also been published, with the aim of appealing to all users (pedestrians and drivers).
The event was covered by GAC media partners, who also reinforced road safety messages in national languages while recalling GAC's slogan "Zero Harm" to staff, the environment, and communities.
One of the remarkable speeches during the tournament was that of the Sub-Prefect of Kolaboui, who thanked GAC for these meetings, which he said, “beyond raising awareness, it also strengthens the social fabric between villages.” He also said that this initiative would help to positively influence the perception of youth vis-à-vis GAC.
On the side of the players, the captain of the team of Danbantchiam (winner of the sub-prefecture of Tanènè) was quite happy to display the trophy, with words of gratitude towards GAC and confided that their district has earned good fame in the sub-prefecture, thanks to this victory made possible by the competition of the company.
In addition to the symbolic financial rewards earned by the finalist teams, GAC donated a lot of jerseys to all participating teams.
“Making the roads safer depends entirely on us.”

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