Daniel Cornel Pop steps down as CEO of GAC

The Board of Directors of Guinea Alumina Corporation today announced that Daniel Cornel Pop has decided to step down as Chief Executive Officer. Mr Pop will remain with the company until 30 June 2022 to ensure a smooth transition.

Daniel Cornel Pop steps down as CEO of GAC

Kamsar, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 --- The Board of Directors of Guinea Alumina Corporation today announced that Daniel Cornel Pop has decided to step down as Chief Executive Officer. Mr Pop will remain with the company until 30 June 2022 to ensure a smooth transition.

 Abdulla Kalban, Chairman of GAC, said: “Daniel has developed and led a committed team, each of whom plays an integral role in our successful mining operations. Daniel leaves GAC in a strong position, with our operations well-established and production growing. We sincerely thank him for his vision, and leadership during the first years of operations for our company.”

Mr. Pop joined GAC in 2017 as Chief Operating Officer and was promoted to Chief Executive Officer in 2019, shortly before the company’s bauxite exports began. Mr. Pop led GAC’s successful production ramp-up. Last year, GAC exported some 12 million wet metric tonnes of bauxite, making its parent company Emirates Global Aluminium one of the largest merchant suppliers of bauxite in the world.

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